Here's a few photos from the day. We had plenty of time and visited Veale Gardens, Art Alley and Pinky Flat.
Camera Settings ISO - 1250 Shutter Speed - 1/500 F-Stop - 2.8 Focal Length - 70mm
Camera Settings ISO - 1600 Shutter Speed - 1/160 F-Stop - 5 Focal Length - 38mm
Veale Gardens
Camera Settings ISO - 200 Shutter Speed - 1/800 F-Stop - 8 Focal Length - 24mm
Art Alley
Camera Settings ISO - 320 Shutter Speed - 1/100 F-Stop - 5.6 Focal Length - 24mm
Art Alley
Camera Settings ISO - 200 Shutter Speed - 1/200 F-Stop - 2.8 Focal Length - 70mm
Art Alley
Camera Settings ISO - 200 Shutter Speed - 1/1250 F-Stop - 2.8 Focal Length - 98mm
Art Alley
Camera Settings ISO - 200 Shutter Speed - 1/160 F-Stop - 5.6 Focal Length - 70mm
Pinky Flat
Camera Settings ISO - 320 Shutter Speed - 1/80 F-Stop - 5.6 Focal Length - 14mm
Pinky Flat
Camera Settings ISO - 320 Shutter Speed - 1/2500 F-Stop - 2.8 Focal Length - 15mm
Pinky Flat
Camera Settings ISO - 320 Shutter Speed - 1/800 F-Stop - 5.6 Focal Length - 14mm
Pinky Flat
Camera Settings ISO - 320 Shutter Speed - 1/800 F-Stop - 6.3 Focal Length - 14mm
Pinky Flat
Camera Settings ISO - 320 Shutter Speed - 1/1000 F-Stop - 6.3 Focal Length - 14mm
Congratulations to Hayley and Aram.
If you would like to talk to us about your wedding check out our website at