Apart from one of the locations we have intentionally sought out locations which arent so well known such as
Talisker Mines
Cape Jervis
Second Valley
Ingalalla Waterfalls
Port Willunga
It was a very enjoyable day for all and a good learning experience using filters which most had not used much before. Filters such as circular polarisers, graduated filters and neutral density filters.
We have programmed in a couple of new dates, so if learning some more about your camera and filters, spending the day with other keen photographers appeals you can book in here
Here's a few photos from the day
View from Talisker Mines lookout over Backstairs Passage towards Kangaroo Island
Rocky Beach at Cape Jervis
View from Cape Jervis Beach back towards the lighthouse and Kangaroo Island
Pebble Beach at Second Valley
Second Valley
Rock formations at Second Valley
Reflections in a water pool at Ingalalla Waterfalls
Typical australian rural scene outside of Normanville
Jetty ruins at Port Willunga