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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Photo Piracy

We are probably all aware of the piracy issues surrounding movies, software etc. but it seems when it comes to photographs many people have no clue they may be actually breaking the law when they copy that photo from flickr or google images.

As a photographer when you create an image you hold the copyright of that photograph and as a result you hold the right to make money from that photograph and to some degree control the usage of that image.
The main difference is that unlike the movie or software industries where there are major international organisations which enforce copyright no such body exists for photographers.

The reason I write about this was that when visiting the Royal Adelaide Hospital recently some of their promotional material displayed in public places clearly contained images which had been stolen. Its hard enough for photographers to make a living and it makes it even harder when our government bodies are either uneducated or couldn't care less.

Here's the image which you can quite clearly see the copyright warning from a company called Inmagine. Other images on the notices I would suspect were also lifted from the internet without payment as an easy give away is that the image has been blown up behind its resolution and becomes blocky. Our government departments should know better!!!!

Now this photographer deserves payment for their work, there is the potential that significant costs were incurred in the creation of this image. It could be a paid model, a makeup artist may have been needed, the cost of travel to this location etc.

I would encourage you to report these instances if you see them around, if there is a watermark or copyright notice on the image it has been stolen. Simply take a photo and send it to the company indicated in the watermark.

Unfortunately because there is no body protecting us we as individuals have to take action when we see things like this.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sad Times

A bit of a shock to the system.

A fortnight ago my mother was advised that she basically had terminal cancer. It would be highly unlikely that medicos would be able to cure/remove the cancer and advised that she would only have a matter of months if she chose not to have chemo or 12-18 months if she did.

Well firstly let me say some doctors need to learn some people skills, fancy telling someone that when they are in hospital not well, already scared, no-one to support them at the time and until that moment we had been led to believe that the cancer could be operated on.

But the reason I post this is that we know that doctors arent always right with their predictions and was hoping someone out there might have some positive stories to share. People who have defied doctors predictions or even beaten so called inoperable cancer. Would love to hear them as I think she needs to hear some positive stories.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Well maybe its just a coincidence but ever since the current workshop deal went live, a spammer seems to be clogging my inbox. A spammer is currently sending out emails but using our email address as the return email address, so therefore our inbox is getting clogged as they are sending out thousands of emails (over 6,000 since midnight last night).

Not sure how to resolve it or even if i can, any IT gurus out there following this blog? Would appreciate any advice as genuine customers emails are bouncing back because of this problem.

23/7/12 - Well an update.....after much searching around the net appears there is no real solution to this problem. Initially implemented Spam Assassin on our websites server, however unknown to us it was also discarding legitimate emails from our customers and not delivering them to us. It appears that it is blocking any emails being sent to us from free email services such as hotmail,yahoo,gmail etc. any messages sent from health services and a few others.  We are up to date on the emails we have actually received, so if you have not had a response, please let us know, we arent ignoring you, we simply havent received your email due to this software.
Its now been switched off so hopefully any emails will get through now. A word based filtering system has been implemented, which should block these spam messages from getting through and allow legitimate emails to be received.

Fingers crossed!!!!

Scoopon Workshops

Our popular day time workshop is currently on scoopon at the moment.

This will be the last time it runs at its current location as we are in the process of finding a new area to run the workshop in. If you have any suggestions let us know, currently looking at either the East end of Adelaide or Victoria Square.

You can find the deal at