In one way or another we all have copped some negative feedback regardless of what line of work you are in. Generally when it comes to the workplace this is usually handled privately, you are given the chance to discuss and resolve/improve on the situation.
However when working for yourself and with the rise of the internet you don't get that opportunity. With places such as Facebook and directories where reviews can be left without the right to respond you can really cop some very unfair representations of you and your business.
And the old wives tale where if people have something negative to say they will tell everyone but people with positive things to say generally don't share it unless asked seems to be very true.
I recently came across a negative review I was unaware of. This one negative review happened to be the only review on very high traffic site so I can only assume has been very damaging.
All the positive comments I've received,emails,letters and thank you cards would far outweigh this one negative review well you would think so but apparently not.
Another old wives tale comes to mind here " There are two sides to a story and the truth will lie someone in between".
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