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Monday, February 16, 2009

Safe Working Environment

The events from this past weekends wedding got me thinking about my own and my camera equipments safety. I'm sure that most couples dont actually realise that when they have booked me to photograph their wedding that we are effectively entering into a employer/employee arrangment.

Which effectively means the couple are my employer for the day, which leads me to the question does the couple have the obligation to provide me with a safe working environment as any mainstream employer have??

Many of the houses I visit abound with obstacles, tripping hazards. The environment is generally chaotic as people are preparing for the occasion.

On occasion I also experience instances where guests have got in the way and almost sent me flying with camera gear in hand, the occasional drunk person getting a bit overenthusiastic with the friendly slap on the back or hug and the occasional person who thinks it ok to start looking through and playing with your camera equipment while I'm busy doing something else.

This particular instance which got me thinking was a rather drunk and overfriendly bridesmaid. Firstly it started with some suggestions for photos, which is ok in itself but it just got out of hand from there. I think allowing her to make suggestions must have flicked a switch, it just went into take over mode from there.
For me however the most difficult thing was that her behaviour detoriated from there to exhibitionism and inappropriate. The behaviour worsened from there to this girl thinking it was ok to touch and attempt to use my camera equipment, the occasional slap on my backside and drunken hugs.
I'm sure some people are thinking what are you complaining about, but for one I'm happily married, this girl wasnt as attractive as she obviously thought and I'm sorry bad behaviour is a big turnoff for me.
Now I'm also sure some people are thinking I should have taken a bit more control and said something. I was in two minds here and unfortunately the thought that I didnt want to spoil the bride and groom big day won out. Although I think it must have been obvious I wasnt impressed as the rest of the bridal party started to step in and attempt to quell the behaviour.

On reflection of the days events it led me to the thought, did this couple have a legal obligation to ensure a safe environment for me?

I'm sure this couple and people in general dont realise that I could sue them for sexual harrasment or if I trip on something left on the floor when photographing the bride at her house the I or my insurance company would be looking to them to foot the bill.

From now on when first discussing the Wedding and contract with a couple I will be using what I learned here to enforce that behaviour of this nature wont be tolerated and can and will lead to termination of services. As far as I am concerned it is an absolute no-no to touch me or my equipment.

I would be very interested to hear from any other photographers who have experienced bad behaviour and how you handled it.

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