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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Where have I been????

A little while since my last post, I have just been so busy with with weddings and the post processing that haven't had a lot of time for much else at all.
I have been at some interesting weddings in the past few weeks. The 21st at Sunnybrae, the 28th at the Adelaide Zoo, the 4th of april at the Botanic Gardens and the 5th of April at Belair Country Club.
No funny or unusual stories to tell, all these days went fairly smoothly.
The 21st got some nice photos near the Port Adelaide Information Centre, only pearls of wisdom I can pass on from this day is that 45 minutes isn't really enough for bridal portraits particularly when travel is involved and when hiring a limo ask what drinks are supplied, the limo on this particular day only has champagne which I'm sure most guys don't like!
The 28th I was looking forward to being at the Adelaide Zoo, unfortunately the lighting was terrible. I believe the Zoo only allows wedding ceremonies to start at 5pm or after once they are closed to the public. Being this close to the end of day lights saving by the time the ceremony is finished it is starting to get quite dark. I'm sure it would be much better in the middle of day light saving when its not dark until 8:30-9:00pm. Flash lighting is very harsh and unfortunately had to rely on it to try and light up the scene.
The 4th of April went very well. Only pearl of wisdom here is that yes people you have to pay to have photos in the Botanic Gardens. Even though it is a public place, there is a fee whether you have your ceremony there or not. I presume this is to protect the gardens from masses of wedding parties wandering around the garden every weekend and it is policed.
The 5th of April was very interesting, the bride had some Brazilian heritage I believe and the reception was very much party orientated. The reception started off with a display of Capoeira, if you re not sure what this is, its like a mix of dance and martial arts, very fast and difficult to photograph although I think I managed to get a few good ones. Some of the solos were absolutely amazing! Later there was a display of dancing, not sure how to describe it but again very fast and the girls were dressed up in the full Brazilian carnivale style outfits, drummers and whistles which led into pretty much everyone being on the dance floor (very rare to see!). lots of masks, boas, huge novelty sunglasses and everyone having a good time!( and from what I could tell that was without too much alcohol being involved. Only thing I noticed, although the bride and groom didn't seem too concerned was that the celebrant was late, apparently got lost, no excuse in my book not when a decent GPS will set you back less than $200.

So there you have it!

The pearls of wisdom in summary
  • Make sure the limo you hire has something for everyone to drink
  • If travelling to locations allow a bit more time
  • Yes you have to pay to have photos at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens
  • Hire a celebrant who has a GPS or at least knows where your venue is!

Till next time

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