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Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I had the opportunity to recently speak with someone studying graphics arts at one of the Adelaide universities. The main thing which stood out in my mind was the comment that most of her peers where using their SLR's in auto mode because they didnt know how to use them.
How disappointing that our further education institutions dont appear to be teaching people what they are going to need to survive in the real world or maybe there is an assumption that students would take some responsiblity, learn how to master the basics of their SLR and the university would teach them more advanced theories/techniques.
Plain and simple if you dont know how to use your camera in manual and in combination with a speedlight then dont bother contacting me for work experience, or as a assistant or anything, basically I cant use you. I simply dont have the time to be teaching someone the basic operation of a SLR.
As per the title take some responsiblity and RTFM (google this, you should be able to find what is means), it will make you a better photographer.

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