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Thursday, June 11, 2009

So you want to be a Wedding Photographer

We get a lot of enquiries from people wanting to get involved in wedding photography, the majority of which we dont even consider. For us to even consider a request we straight away look at the following,

The first question we will ask is are you prepared to sign a non-disclosure and non-compete agreement. If the answer is no, its thanks but no thanks straight away. Why you ask, well for a couple of reasons.
One, we dont want to spend time and expense giving someone the exposure and training for them just to turn around and directly compete with us at the first opportunity they get. So this is the non-compete part of the agreement, we have built in an out clause and /or time period that someone cant directly compete against us.
Two is the non-disclosure part, as we are training someone its very difficult not to share critical information that they can use to compete against us, obviously we cant and dont want people using information they have gathered being used to compete against us in any manner. This also protects our clients information for unauthorised release/usage.

The second question we will ask is what equipment you are currently using. The reason we ask this is it will give us an indication of how serious the person is about photography and whether they have equipment which will provide a quality level that we would be happy to provide our customers. We might also ask some questions around how the camera is used, depending on which modes people use regularly will tell us whether they have potential to be a wedding photographer.

Bottom line is we shouldnt have to be teaching some how to use their camera, the idea is that we would be teaching someone about weddings not photography, and more importantly we generally look for people who are happy to work for us, not using us to get involved and compete against us.

Around the end of september we will probably be looking for people so if you know anyone who maybe interested let us know through our website

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